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My name is Pete Millan and I have spent the past 20 years in the law enforcement profession. I received my B.S in Criminal Justice in 2017. I decided to change careers and become a teacher at the beginning of 2023 and have enjoyed every moment in the classroom since. I teach Criminal Justice II and Criminal Justice III.
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Students are expected to adhere to the rules and policies of the school. Also, students will behave according to the following class rules:

1.Be on time for class. Be in your seat before the bell rings and complete the bell ringer.

2.Be respectful to yourself, other students, guest speakers, and any teacher. Do not say anything disrespectful to anyone, do not curse and do not use obscene gestures.

3.Come to class prepared. This includes having a sharpened pencil, paper, and laptop charged. Turned in classwork on time. There is NO homework unless you don’t finish it in class.

4.No horseplay of any type in class.

5.Cell phones are to be put away. Cell phones should not be visible in class. Laptops should not be in use unless instructed by the teacher. No electronics of any kind will be allowed during class time.

6.After three consecutive tardiness per semester and each subsequent one thereafter, students will be referred to the office.

7.NO FOOD in the Classroom.

8.Do not get out of your seat to leave until the dismissal bell rings. Do not line up at the door.

9.Keep hands to yourself and do not bother other students’ and teachers’ property.

Classroom Books